I was browsing through the shoes category on the website, yesstyle and I came upon these cute gladiator sandals for $89.90. Unfortunately, the website does not carry my size and I wasn't planning on spending that much on a pair of sandals so I was inspired and decided to make my own gladiator sandals. I stopped by Michael's Arts & Crafts Store and bought two packs of leather lace for $7.99 each. I recently bought an pair of sandals from Target at the kid's section for $14.99 over the weekend. If you can't find any leather lace at your local stores or if you don't have a Michael's store or Joann fabrics store near you, you can also use ribbons or shoe laces that's close to the color of your sandals. Follow these easy steps and you too can also create your own gladiator sandals. TRUST ME!! No one will not even notice that you made it yourself. They will probably ask you where did you buy your gladiator sandals at and you can let them know that you made it yourself. They'll be amazed at your creativity.
*Leather Lace
Step 1: Take the leather lace and tuck it behind your sandal straps.
Step 2: Start creating a criss cross around your legs and keep repeating this step till you reach to your knees.
Step 3: Once you reach the end of your leather lace, tie an bow knot to secured it.
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